Thursday, September 02, 2004

Good news, bad news

The good news is I found a nickel and I named it Phillip! The bad new is, it's a girl nickel.

The bad news is that JR wont be coming tomorrow. Hurricane Frances saw to it that the airports were shut down today. Florida is not a good place to be during hurricane season. Guess where my brother is? :( Good news is that Liam and Fiachna will be attending the HHF film festival on October 3rd. Pleasant surprise indeed. I still can't stay for the after parties festivities, but I'll be there for a breath, and that is bliss enough for me. However, I'm not sure if I am prepared for that meeting just yet. I have a month to center.

I'm addicted to the internet. There lies the dark gooey center to my spiritual unbalance!

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