Monday, April 05, 2010

Adventures in Quinoa

I finally gave into the rising suspicion that Gluten hates me. But I love Gluten.  I suppose that one should not be in pain after every meal.  So, it is with a heavy heart that Gluten and I are breaking up.  I am now Gluten intolerant, lactose intolerant and trying to reduce refined sugar from my diet.  Kill me now.

Today, I took an unexpected journey to Poulson's food in Antioch in search for some Quinoa and Gluten free products.  Success along with some gluten free animal crackers, gluten free flakes to make pancakes, muffins and cookies and a rice krispie treat.  Holy expensive Batman!  Anyway, my adventures in Quinoa begins.

The box indicates that the Quinoa will be ready in 10-15 mins.  The directions read: boil for 5 minutes then cover for 15 minutes.  You do the new math.  Ever see a nest of a thousand baby spider eggs?  That's what Quinoa looks like when cooking.

So, I cook for 5 minutes, and cover and complain about it for 15 minutes.  It now looked like bigger spider eggs...enticing, no?  I add more water, cook again, cover, complain...Gluten free sucks.  With an unhappy heart, I make my plate of grilled chicken, avocado and Quinoa.'s absolutely delightful.  Yum yum. :)  I later mixed my uneaten portion with soy almond milk, a packet of truvia, a sprinkle of cinnamon and chilled.  A delicious afternoon snack.  Yay for Quinoa! The nasty spider egg looking grain.  I shall now study up on some recipies as not to gross my family out.

1 comment:

Donna said...

I never thought about eating sweet version of quinoa! But I also never thought about rice that way and flipped out the first time I saw rice pudding. WHAT WHY IS THERE SUGAR INVOLVED IN RICE. I am glad you love it! I get mine in bulk from grocery.