Saturday, April 03, 2010

The List

Happily married for 20+ years.  I hold many relationship secrets, like.. separate vacations.  And the list.  These are the names of the people who I can "do" without any consequences.  Because they are on the list.  It's like my vagina guest list.

1. Dave Matthews.  Bill actually made me take Dave Matthews off my list since I worked for him.  Bill's on crack.
2. Ryan Renolds.  Ryan fluctuates between #1,#2 and #3 given my mood.  He's absolutely delicious though. It all started with 2 guys a girl and a pizza place.  They filmed the re-make to Amityville horror on my street.  It took all my strength not to obtain a restraining order from him the week they were filming here.
3. Eric Stoltz.  And not the Mask Eric either.  The "Some kind of wonderful Im a fool for a red head he's still so freaking hot" Eric.  Yeah, that one.
4. Nathan Fillion.  Hello Firefly.
5. Eric Hutchinson.  I want him to be my rockstar Boyfriend.  He just doesn't know that yet.
6. David Duchovy. ..why won't you love me?

Bill's list looks something like this:
1. the girl who cuts my hair at Walmart
2. The girl who drives the green car at 7:30am on rte 59
3. The girl in that commercial about the thing
4. The hot mommy in line at Traget last tuesday
5. Matthews old violin teacher..

As you can see..Bill's list is non discriminating.  Basically, if you have a pulse.. you are in!

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